State of Maharashtra (supra) and also in A. 3 gave full right to Euram to realise its loan by realising the pledged securities Cherian, member of the executive committee of the Indian and Eastern Newspapers Association, one of the directors of the Press Trust of India and the Chief Editor, Malayala Manorama, Kottayam, as a member of the Board. It enabled KII to sell the underlying shares of GDRs in Indian market The learned Single Judge examined the matter on merit and set aside the orders of the Rent Controller as well as the Resident Deputy Collector on the ground that the aforesaid judgments were perverse The learned Single Judge in his impugned judgment dated December 11, 1987 nowhere mentioned that he was exercising the powers under Article 227 of the Constitution.
These are all incidental disadvantages which may manifest themselves in the future working of the industry, but it could not be said that the Legislature in enacting that measure was aiming at these disadvantages when it was trying to ameliorate the 135 conditions of the workmen. Manbodhan Lal Srivastava (1) it has been held that the provisions of Art. This is untrue for, as I have already said, it has been proved clearly that Dr.
Anija had sent for the Registrar. The principle audi alteram partem also applies only to judicial or quasi- judicial proceedings. That decision is founded on the following garounds: (1) the proviso to Art. Now it appears that the hospital kept a call book in which a House Physician wanting to call the Registrar would make an entry and send it to the Registrar. This call book was produced on September 2, 1958, and it showed that Dr. That, however, would be a consequence.
It would not be possible for the State to take up all the industries together and even as a matter of policy it would be expedient to take the industries one by one. This circumstance by itself would therefore not be indicative of any undue preference or a prejudicial treatment being meted out to that particular industry, the main object being the amelioration of the conditions of those workmen. 320 itself indicates that in certain cases or classes of cases the Commission need not be consulted; 320(3)(c) of the Constitution, as respects consultation of the Public Service Commission on all disciplinary matters affecting a person serving the Government of India or a State Government, are not mandatory in spite of the use of the word I shall' therein.
It is obvious that the enactment of this measure is for the amelioration of the conditions of the workmen in the newspaper industry. Saify was not in Bombay at all on that day. It could not also be said that there was any ulterior motive behind the enactment of such a measure because the employers may have to share a greater financial burden than before or that the working of the industry may be rendered more difficult than before. nVintage transferred the GDRs to IFCF and KII for which Vintage granted a loan of 20,00,000 USD to CREDO, associate company of KII for lending to KII.
All the consequences which have been visualized in this behalf by the petitioners, viz. nState of Gujarat[20], reiterated the same principle and observed:- It is well settled now that a judgment of court can never be challenged under Articles 14 or 21 and therefore the judgment of the court awarding the sentence of death is not open to challenge as violating Article 14 or Article 21 as has been laid down by this
Supreme Court advocates in Naresh Shridhar Mirajkar v.
Anija had herself written down the name of Dr. of Accrator, [1948] A. For a distinction between judicial and legislative functions, See Cooley's Constitutional Limitations, 8th Edn. (Halsbury's Laws of England, 3rd Edn. Anija stated that the Registrar whom she sent for was Dr. , would be remote and depend upon various factors which may or may not come into play. But it will not be open to this Court in exercise of jurisdiction under Article 32 to go behind or to examine the final verdict reached by a competent court convicting and sentencing the condemned prisoner and even while considering the circumstances in order to reach a conclusion as to whether the inordinate delay coupled with subsequent circumstances could be held to be sufficient for coming to a conclusion that execution of the sentence of death will not be just and proper Nayak[21] , the only jurisdiction which could be sought to be exercised by a prisoner for infringement of his rights can be to challenge the subsequent events after the final judicial verdict is pronounced and it is because of this that on the ground of long or inordinate delay a condemned prisoner could approach this Court and that is what has consistently been held by this Court.
Shah as the Registrar whom she was calling. Those employers who are favourably situated, may not feel the strain at all while those of them who are marginally situated may not be able to bear the strain and may in conceivable cases have to disappear 'after closing down their establishments. I have earlier mentioned that when Laxmibai was lying unconscious in Ward No. , the tendency to curtail circulation and thereby narrow the scope of dissemination of information, fetters on the petitioners' freedom to choose the means of exercising the right, likelihood of the independence of the press being undermined by having to seek government aid; the imposition of penalty on the petitioners' right to choose the instruments for exercising the freedom or compelling them to seek alternative media, etc.
Even in regard to the workmen employed it would be equally expedient to take a class of employees who stand in a separate category by themselves for the purpose of benefiting them in the manner contemplated. It could therefore hardly be urged that the possible effect of the impact of these measures in conceivable cases would vitiate the legislation as such. which would be extraneous and not within the contemplation of the Legislature.
nPledgor agreed to pledge its assets as collateral security for due repayment of the loan of 59,82,000 USD. Certiorari and prohibition lie only in respect of judicial or quasi-judicial acts.